Kasule Health Centre


Organization's Website

Please browse the gifts below

Gift Suggested Donation
Cost of providing clean water for a day $10
Well-baby checkup and immunizations $20
Obtaining blood & urine test results for potential infections and diseases for up to 10 patients $25
Prescription drugs to help 10 children defeat malaria $50
Delivery of 1 newborn including pre-natal care, delivery in the KHC maternity room (instead of the dirt floor of a hut) and follow-up post- natal care for mother and child $100
Fuel and medical supplies to enable KHC staff to reach local grammar and high school populations for a month $250
Salary of a KHC nurse for an entire month $500

We thank you for your generous support of the Giving Fair and the organizations represented here today. Please note that many gifts are symbolic. As items become fully funded, your gifts will be used to help where the need is greatest within each organization.